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The World Language Incentive Program (WLIP) is intended to attract superior foreign language students and potential foreign language majors to ÎÞÂëרÇø and to reward those highly qualified students who are able and willing to begin their language study at ÎÞÂëרÇø at a level beyond the initial (101) course in the language sequence.

WLIP Policy:

Students who enroll at ÎÞÂëרÇø in their first world language course at the 102 level or higher and who complete one course in the language with a grade of C- or better may receive credit for the 101 level in that language.  Students who enroll at ÎÞÂëרÇø at the 201 level or higher and who complete two courses in the language at the equivalent level or higher in the same language with a grade of B- or better are eligible to receive up to 12 hours of retroactive lower-division credit in the same language (courses 101, 102, 201, 202).

Transfer students may be eligible for retroactive credit after completing one course at ÎÞÂëרÇø with a grade of B- or higher.  Transfer students should consult the Department of World Languages and Literatures at (859) 572-7650 to discuss the retroactive credit option.

To participate in the program, a student must:

  • Take the free WebCAPE placement test if available for her or his language at the beginning of language study at ÎÞÂëרÇø

  • Fill out a describing previous language experience and expressing the intention to participate in the incentive program

  • Demonstrate an appropriate level of knowledge and motivation in the course(s) in which s/he has enrolled. 

Please note: the WebCAPE test does not automatically permit you to enroll in a higher level course.  You will need to call (859.572.7650) or e-mail (worldlanglit@nku.edu) the World Languages and Literatures office in order to receive a permit to enter the course.  If the WebCAPE test places you into sem1 of a language, you may enroll in any 101 class that is available.

The WebCAPE test is currently available for French, German, Italian, and Spanish.  If you are interested in placing into a higher level course in another language, please contact the department for more information.

Neither the WebCAPE score nor enrollment in a course beyond the initial one guarantees participation in the program. 

A complete rundown of the department's foreign language placement policy is posted on this website.

Credit awarded to a student based on the AP or CLEP exams in a specific language will be deducted from the amount of credit awarded through the World Language Incentive Program.

Requests for credit from students who complete courses in the 101-202 sequence out of order require the approval of the course instructor and department chair.

It is the student's responsibility to request that the retroactive incentive credit be entered on her/his transcript after completion of the appropriate course or courses.  The is available both electronically, and in hard copy at the Department of World Languages and Literatures office in MEP 475.

mise à jour le 14 décembre 2022